Making Future Collaboration

  • Location: Broadway Cinema & Media Centre, 14-18 Broad Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG7 6LH, GB
  • Deadline: Jul 8 2011 at 11:00AM
  • outbound link ↱
Chair: Régine Debatty
Speakers:Evan Roth, Aram Bartholl, Mudlark, Institute for Boundary Interactions (IBI), Brendan Oliver & Bredan Randall
Performance by: Hetain Patel in collaboration with Barret Hodgson
Making Future Work, Broadway's new Media Arts initiative, is pleased to announce the culmination of four research and development commissioning projects at this, our final conference event of the series.
Chaired by Régine Debatty, founder of the award winning blog, Making Future Collaboration includes presentations from Evan Roth and Aram Bartholl from F.A.T Lab (The Free Art and Technology Lab), a New York-based open source technology collective.
Evan Roth is an artist whose work focuses on tools of empowerment, open source and popular culture.  Roth's work with graffiti, open source technology and public space led to him forming the Graffiti Research Lab ("GRL") with James Powderly in 2005. GRL projects include the Eyewriter, a tool that gives people who have lost the function to draw, the ability to create art with the use of their eyes.  Roth has been awarded both the Golden Nica at Ars Electronica 2010 that was presented at the annual festival in Linz, Austria and also the prestigious Lever Award for innovation at the Future Everything festival in Manchester 2010.
Aram Bartholl explores the relationship between the digital and physical world. In his play on video game adaptations, hyper-realist console and arcade gaming space, Bartholl is interested in how the closer a game gets to emulating reality, the better chance the game has of succeeding in the market place. Taking this hybrid form of realism and screen-based entertainment to an extreme Bartholl creates work that intends to disrupt, engage, and highlight our pre-occupation with virtual forms and experiences. His work is both a playful and cautious reminder of how far technology has infiltrated our lives and public spaces.

Our commissioned projects will see presentations from:
Hetain Patel & Barret Hodgson who will be performing re-choreographed scenes from the blockbuster film Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon investigating non-linear narratives that inhabit different versions of the self; Mudlark will present the visualisation of redundant data found in the city of Derby; the Institute of Boundary Interactions (IBI), will present their Urban Immune System, a critical design project investigating parallel futures in the emergence of the 'smart city'; and Brendan Oliver & Brendan Randall will show us the development of their live, interative installation where an audience controls both the narrative and recorded footage of a film through direct participation.
The development of each project is being constantly updated onto the blog.
[size= x-small]Making Future Work is a new and exciting initiative led by Broadway[/size][size= x-small] Cinema & Media Centre and funded by Arts Council England. The programme is a catalyst for ideas and a pilot for further digital innovation projects in the Midlands. It forms part of Arts Council England's wider investment in digital development to explore how digital media technologies are affecting the creation, distribution and consumption of the arts.[/size]