POHSKROW: Workshop and Showing in Interactive Performance

[size= medium]POHSKROW: [/size]
An interdisciplinary and interactive workshop for co-creation.
An Experimental and collaborative evening of performance. 
Workshops: August 4-6 [Thur-Sat]
Show: August 6 [Sat at 8PM]
Where: OZU, L.go Moricone, 1, 02033 – Monteleone Sabino, Italy
Cost: 100 Euro [includes workshop, performance, accommodations, breakfast, lunch, dinner for three days]
Info: http://www.ozu.it | [email protected] | +39.0765.885027
“Nessuno conosce che cosa sta cucinando nella vaschetta meglio di chi fa la mescolatura.”
The DOUBLE VISION workshop, also known as POHSKROW, is open to artists from a variety of disciplines including visual art, dance, music, video and writing. During the workshop artists will be guided through a process of experimenting with interdisciplinary and interactive collaborative performance. The workshop will result in a public showing.
Throughout the three days of workshops, participants will have the opportunity to share their own artistic techniques through collaborative exercises, all while enjoying great food, conversation and the beautiful surroundings of OZU.
The participation fee is 100 Euro and includes the workshop and performance, sleeping facilities, breakfast, lunch and dinner for three days.
Places are limited to 10. To receive more information or book the workshop, contact [email protected]
Program Details:
Aug. 4 (Thurs):
Arrival day. Participants should arrive at OZU by 19:00
Dinner: 19:00 – 20:00
Introduction: 20:00 – 22:00
Aug. 5 (Fri):
Workshop Session #1: 10:00 – 13:00
Lunch Break: 13:00 – 15:00
Workshop Session #2: 15:00 – 18:00
Individual preparation time for the rest of the day.
Dinner: 19:00 – 20:00
Aug. 6 (Sat):
Workshop Session #3: 10:00 – 13:00
Lunch Break: 13:00 – 15:00
Preparation time before performance: 15:00 – 18:00
Performance: 20:00
Accommodation Details:
Accommodation is provided in the dormitory room.
It is possible to book a private (double) room according to availability. The private rooms are close to the dormitory, the bathroom and toilet are shared as well. The cost of the private room is 8 Euro per night per person to be added to the participation fee.
All food, vegetarian or not, is prepared mainly with local organic products.
Participants who wish to have more time to relax, visiting the area or making some trips to Rome have the chance to book a longer staying (always according to availability).
OZU is surrounded by beautiful landscapes, rolling hills, authentic and uncontaminated nature, in the heart of Sabina region, in the centre of Italy.
OZU is located about 5 km from the small village Monteleone Sabino.
The city of Rome, that is only 55 Km from OZU, can be easily reached by car, bus or train.