7th ANNUAL PIXEL POPS! 2011 Paris + Copenhagen


7th ANNUAL PIXEL POPS! 2011 Paris + Copenhagen. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 31 July 2011. Online Submissions Only.
Pixelpops 2011, curated by  Philip Tonda Heide, will take place in a TPTP art space in Paris and simultaneously in a yet unknown location in Copenhagen.  It will consist of video-performances accessible to the public each  night between the 6th and the 16th of October.
The theme of this years exhibit is "Performance From Far Away". With this we seek to make a program that explores performances  presented through the format of video; to play with and question both  mediums (video and performance) and to encourage dialogue between the  artist and the public. This dialogue will be presented in the art works  themselves, but also on a blog where some of the works are shown together with documentary videos of the project and comments from the audience which can turn into written conversations/discussions between the artist and the viewer. Artist can participate with performance-videos of various duration.
Click here for more details.