S. T. Coleridge - Prose Style

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Samuel Taylor Coleridge - Lecture on Prose Style

… Style is, of course nothing else but the art of conveying the
meaning appropriately and with perspicuity, whatever that meaning may
be, and one criterion of style is that is shall not be translatable
[into other words of the same language] without injury to the meaning.
Johnson's style has pleased many from the very fault of being
perpetually translatable; he creates an impression of cleverness by
never saying any thing in a common way. …

… The source of bad writing is the desire to be something more than
a man of sense,–the straining to be thought a genius; and it is just
the same in speech-making. If men would only say what they have to say
in plain terms, how much more eloquent they would be! … And I can
not conclude this Lecture without insisting on the importance of
accuracy of style as being near akin to veracity and truthful habits
of mind; he who thinks loosely will write loosely, … Let me also
exhort you to careful examination of what you read, if it be worthy
any perusal at all; such an examination will be a safeguard from
fanaticism, the universal origin of which is in the contemplation of
phenomena without investigation into their causes.


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, Max Herman

In a message dated 7/14/2002 4:31:01 PM Central Daylight Time,
[email protected] writes:

> … The source of bad writing is the desire to be something more than
> a man of sense,–the straining to be thought a genius; and it is just
> the same in speech-making. If men would only say what they have to say
> in plain terms, how much more eloquent they would be! … And I can
> not conclude this Lecture without insisting on the importance of
> accuracy of style as being near akin to veracity and truthful habits
> of mind; he who thinks loosely will write loosely, … Let me also
> exhort you to careful examination of what you read, if it be worthy
> any perusal at all; such an examination will be a safeguard from
> fanaticism, the universal origin of which is in the contemplation of
> phenomena without investigation into their causes.




++++++++++Ninety-Five Theses for the Genius 2000 Network1. 16. Hell,
purgatory, and heaven seem to differ as do despair, almost-despair, and the=

assurance of safety. <A HREF="http://www.luther.de/e/95thesen.html">http=
://www.luther.de/e/95thesen.html</A>2. The Genius 2000
Network is non-profit.3. <A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/~genius-2000/=
http://www.geocities.com/~genius-2000/SFMOMA82700.html</A>4. Christianity =
is a
battle in the discussion of media control.5. Crucifixion is an act of
protest demanding access.6. The Second Coming is god's final messenger.7.=

God is the ineffable union of history and individual cognition: Genius
20008. What does it take to be a genius? Do you have it? Does anyone you=

know personally have it?9. What does the year 2000 mean? Does it mean thi=
to you, or other people? 10. How are the concepts of genius and the year=

2000 connected?11. These questions written by the Genius 2000 Project.12.=

Thus, for Robespierre, ancient Rome was a past charged with the time of the=

now, which he blasted out of the continuum of history.13. Religion forgets=

that its own existence is based on man's tragic estrangement from his true=

being. (Paul Tillich, Theology of Culture)14. [Religion] forgets its own=

emergency character. (Ibid)15. Who cares about GENIUS? (Mark Stahlman, <=
A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/~genius-2000/Launch.html">
http://www.geocities.com/~genius-2000/Launch.html</A>)16. Steve Dietz at <=
A HREF="http://www.walkerart.org/">
http://www.walkerart.org</A> has seen the Genius 2000 Video First Edition b=
will not publicly review it.17. David Ross at <A HREF="http://www.sfmoma=
.org/">http://www.sfmoma.org</A> has seen
August 27, 2000 but will not publicly review it.18. Matthew Mirapaul at
[email protected] has seen the Video First Edition but will not publicly=

review it.19. Tom Sherman at www.syr.edu received a copy of Lesson One in=

1998 but will not publicly review it.20. Kevin McCoy's review of Genius
2000: "Genius 2000 is delirious, unlimited in scope, and astonishing in
ambition." 21. Patrick Lichty's review of the First Edition is at <A HREF=
http://www.rhizome.org</A> (query: Genius 2000)22. Luther sent his 95 The=
ses to
a few bishops and some friends; therefore he did not expect or receive a
prompt response. By the end of 1517, however, copies of the 95 Theses had=

been printed in Leipzig, Nuremberg and Basel. Some humanists and princes pa=
ionately approved of the theses, but parts of the Roman Church completely=

rejected them. The most vehement voice against the theses was the Indulgenc=
Priest Tetzel, who supposedly categorized Luther as a follower of the heret=
Jan Hus and threatened to have him burned at the stake. <A HREF="http://w=
http://www.luther.de/e/anschlag.html</A>23.Out of love for the truth and fr=
desire to elucidate it, the Reverend Father Martin Luther, Master of Arts a=
Sacred Theology, and ordinary lecturer therein at Wittenberg, intends to
defend the following statements and to dispute on them in that place.
Therefore he asks that those who cannot be present and dispute with him
orally shall do so in their absence by letter. In the name of our Lord Jesu=
Christ, Amen. <A HREF="http://www.luther.de/e/95thesen.html">http://www.l=
uther.de/e/95thesen.html</A>24. 4.The penalty of sin
remains as long as the hatred of self (that is, true inner repentance),
namely till our entrance into the kingdom of heaven. 25. 43.Christians are=

to be taught that he who gives to the poor or lends to the needy does a
better deed than he who buys indulgences.26. 45.Christians are to be taugh=
that he who sees a needy man and passes him by, yet gives his money for
indulgences, does not buy papal indulgences but God's wrath. 27.
49.Christians are to be taught that papal indulgences are useful only if th=
do not put their trust in them, but very harmful if they lose their fear of=

God because of them. 28. 52.It is vain to trust in salvation by indulgence=

letters, even though the indulgence commissary, or even the pope, were to=

offer his soul as security. 29. 65.Therefore the treasures of the gospel a=
nets with which one formerly fished for men of wealth. 30. 66.The treasure=
of indulgences are nets with which one now fishes for the wealth of men.31.=

72.But let him who guards against the lust and license of the indulgence
preachers be blessed. 32. 79.To say that the cross emblazoned with the pap=
coat of arms, and set up by the indulgence preachers is equal in worth to t=
cross of Christ is blasphemy. 33. Send a blank email to
[email protected] to join a public discussion =
the Genius 2000 Network.34. The primary IMAGINATION I hold to be the livin=
power and prime agent of all human perception, and as a repetition in the=

finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the infinite I AM. Samuel
Coleridge, 1814I=Genius AM 00 God=I AM God=Genius 2000 Max Herman=
<A HREF="http://www.artsconnected.org:8080/~shock">
http://www.artsconnected.org:8080/~shock</A>35. Fluxis writes, "Fluxus is =
and the writings of Ken and the'post-Fluxus intelligentsia' have contribute=
to its death. The freedom ofFluxus has been limited, turned revolting, to=

academic goo, bound tolibraries and art discussions, away from breathing,=

away from reality." <A HREF="http://king.dom.de/fluxus/list/">http://kin=
g.dom.de/fluxus/list/</A>36. From: <
[email protected]> Date: Mon Oct 9, 2000 8:08pm Subject: Fwd: RHIZOME_RAW: N=
HOGWASH - PURE VITAMINS From "porculus" porculus@W…To: list@r…Subject:=

Re: RHIZOME_RAW: NO HOGWASH - PURE VITAMINS Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2000 18:51:50=

+0200Sender: owner-list@r… thingist will stay open. hg was just a nightma=
? and what the fuck do i make with my full of shit charged gross berta for=

firing him down now !? and after to give all this liver pate to the mou=
's cat ? what a waste ! hum too bad alex, come in i will shot you in cold=

blood, it's life alex and you chose it, just think it's just bizness as
usual, your corpse will be autopsy by max and his 2000 maniac genius, smile=

and be happy alex+ Every teacher is taught, everyone taught teaches.37. =

Valery Grancher sued Max Herman in 1999 for defamation of his artwork
"24h00"; the plaintiff demanded US $20,000: the suit was eventually dropp=
due to lack of merit.38. Winona Laduke, Green Party candidate for VP 2000,=

has a copy of the Video First Edition but will not review it publicly.39. =
have heard evil reports about myself, most blessed Father, by which I know=

that certain friends have put my name in very bad odor with you and yours,=

saying that I have attempted to belittle the power of the keys and of the=

Supreme Pontiff. <A HREF="http://www.iclnet.org/pub/resources/text/witte=
Max Herman is a madman who should never be stopped. <A HREF="http://www.=
Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura must be heavily pressured to watch, review=
and discuss in public the Video First Edition.42. Just as ordinary
corporations are solely and entirely machines to increase shareholder wealt=
(often at the expense of culture and life) so