
"(Do) facts (have) the value that memory gives them? Distant memory only recalls them by giving them a value, a halo, of happiness. But let this value be effaced, and the facts cease to exist. Did they ever exist?" (Gaston Bachelard)

How do our feelings surrounding an event, affect our ability to recall it? As these feelings change, how do our memories transform? How do our memories map and enrich the spaces around us? How do they generate a sense of place? The Situationists developed Psychogeography, the study of how geographical environments affect emotions and behaviors, in order to experience their surroundings in a new way. How does what we recall of the landscape, illustrate our feelings of a memory? Are particular aspects more visceral or absent? What transactions with the past, do we use to remember something in the future? Notes, threads, songs, control, censorship, name but a few.

Exhibition will run from mid-September through December 2009 at The Multimedia Gallery in the College of Media and Communications at University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA.

Please send submissions and links of documentation by August 7, 2009 to [email protected].