rhizome forever


lauren lee mccarthy

jennifer & kevin mccoy
anil dash

shu lea cheang

may 9
WSA, 161 water street, nyc
6pm dinner
9pm party

dress: elevatedhacker

Supporting the 2024 Rhizome microgrants program

Celebrating ArtBase Anthologies, our new repertory program offering transformative histories of digital art

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get tickets to rhizome forever party

rhizome forever is a dinner and party that celebrates figures who cultivate community and infrastructure for artists and creators, and who have explored new ways of being in the world through technology. Including a dinner, a party, live performances, and artworks on view, the program will raise funds for Rhizome’s vital microgrants program and our memory work for the field of digital art.

This year’s honorees include Shu Lea Cheang, an artist and filmmaker who has long explored hacktivism, gender, and the “digital commons,” artist Lauren Lee McCarthy, who makes social practice art for the algorithmic age and founded the P5.JS programming language, and the team behind the ”first NFT,” technologist Anil Dash, and artists Jennifer & Kevin McCoy, whose work has long explored data-driven culture and the corporatization of the internet..

The event marks the ten-year anniversary of the minting of the first NFT at the New Museum as part of Rhizome's 7x7 program. rhizome forever celebrates the importance of building value and support for artists, as a return to the founding ethos of that moment.

Portrait of Lauren Lee McCarthy, Image credit: Gabriel Noguez.

Kevin & Jennifer McCoy

Portrait of Anil Dash.

Portrait of Shu Lea Cheang. Image Credit: SMITH, Paris, 2024

Host Committee

Elle Anastasiou
Fred Benenson
Peter Boyce II
Lauren Cornell
Cass Fino-Radin
Saber Khan
Jason Li
Hilary Neve
Greg & Yukari Pass
Processing Foundation
Amanda Schmitt
Eileen Isagon Skyers
Stellation Capital
WCC Fund
Gabriel Whaley
Karen Wong



At 9pm, stick around for the rhizome forever party, organized with NYC-based performance series 29 Speedway, and presented in partnership with Zora. 

Flyer by Brian Mark.

Can't make it to the event? Make a tax-deductible donation today!