Homer Vs Kidd
TIMROD (1991) - Frank Panucci
"A collection of short animations I did on the Amiga computer using Deluxe Paint III. Sounds and music from Streets of Rage 2 on Genesis." - Ian Chase
The Cheaply Animated Guy (1993) - Kenneth M. Bradford
Honker - leproducer2
Space Trek (1994) - Lee Butterley
Sprite Vampire () - Mike Ton and Brandon Thau
"High School presentation for class experiment dissolving chicken bones in various soda. Sprite was the most destructive. 90% of my energy on this animation and only 10% on the actual lab work. Still managed an A though. Sound Fx and music is from Super Castlevania 4's sound mode. Very low rent :) "
Beef - Having it Your Way (1992)
"Amiga animation 1992. It won Honorable mention, a second placing shared with a couple other pieces at The Homer Alaska Pratt Museum Spring Juried Arts Show (judged in actuality). Crude, rough AMIGA animation and sound, I submitted this at the prompting of my mom, and was quite surprised to get the award and attention."
Freak Alley - Steve Tiffany
Fakin Garstang
"Hiking in the hills of Garstang on a serene day until a mindless youth comes along and attacks this innocent hiker."
A Sea Trek - Felipe Magana
Amiga Animation
Somehow, back in high school, I was put in a special "computers in art" program which had an actual working artist and a room full of Amiga computers (which were the top of the line back then). Anyrate, these poorly recorded images are all that remains of that experience.
Amiga Computer Animation - Dean Kelsen
Trojan War 3004 -Zak Weddington and Sage Stevens
burping montage
Silly Animations Amiga Demo - The Wanderers
Center Core Never More - Johnny Doe and the Statistics