

Pathogeographies: Or, Other People's Baggage

How do you carry your pile of political feelings, and how do you want to encourage others to carry theirs? Pathogeographies is an exhibition project to be held at Gallery 400 at the University of Illinois at Chicago, June 15-July 7, 2007.

The term pathogeography is modeled on the SituationistsÃ' psychogeography but substitutes pathos (feeling) for psyche (the soul), emphasizing the emotional investments, temperatures, traumas, pleasures, and ephemeral experiences circulating throughout the political and cultural landscape. For Pathogeographies, we have invited other collectives and individuals--artists and non-artists alike--to create suitcases, real or imagined, that can carry tools around the city of Chicago and elsewhere to incite, create, collect, and record political/emotional scenes and return them to the gallery to be inspected, collated, discussed, distributed, and diverted to new uses. We envision the project as a surrealist but not unsympathetic irritant to current cartographic trends in art making. With our collaborators, we want not only to reveal hidden political histories as we map the affective expressions of various body politics, but also to create magical linkages and intensities that might extend our political horizons.


Originally posted on by criticalspatialpractice