Julian Bleecker on dislocation


<p>Californian cool cat <a href="http://research.techkwondo.com/">Julian Bleecker</a> wrote <a href="http://research.techkwondo.com/wiki/DislocationArticle">a very interesting piece</a> about what he calls <i>dislocation</i>: the “<i>ways in which various forms of (mostly electronic) communications/networking social infrastructures make tectonic, geographical alterations on the landscape</i>“. This is meant to appear in a book about locative media edited by Jeremy Hight.</p>

… some of the ways that certain spatial practices related to some technologies are changing how we operate in space. Specifically, the way VoIp shifts the practice of telephony from place-specific to place-agnostic (area-code assignment, Skype from plane or Vonage from plane). There’s no one way to read this shift, other than to say it is emblematic of practice-in-transition. This was anticipated by cell phones and is tied to the relationship between location and motility. The relationship being that location is “ours

Originally posted on unmediated by pasta and vinegar::Nicolas