$Permanent Supremacy virtual exhibition

  • Type: event
  • Location: online https://www.artsteps.com/view/60121c19a06d566af249c0da/?fbclid=IwAR149F4xmPCirOffyQgaa-I9q4t3zhzDuopgjQr3Dhe07FfVQWXfP4ayFd4
  • Starts: Jul 1 2021 at 1:07PM
  • facebook link ↱

You can buy items contactin me directly on IG or check it out on opensea NFT collection https://opensea.io/collection/permanent Money comes to life, like artificial intelligence algorithms, a person becomes impersonal and dies off, but money and a person still have a chance for a common language - $ Permanent, it is eternal as long as a person is alive who is tempted (even by the idea of ​​his biological immortality in future generations, even by the acquisition of progress), procreates and provides for itself, regardless of what gender or race it is. The simulacrum of the “capital” - capital - is a self-reproducing, complex system. Capital regulates capital, reproduces itself, thus becomes infinite, and passes on the global historical scale of the future into the uncountable, like sperm. What is $ permanence without nudity? "Only Eve's first outfit never goes out of style." $ permanent is a hybrid of the dollar-bucks icon, as a pop symbol of capital and sperm as each of us, creates a flow of permanence of new births, is aimed at simplifying access to reality through its understanding in the form of a reduced scheme. And how to remain an observer, languishing with hunger, dying, alienated not from the deity, but even from his own sperm, put up for sale by someone else for you? An ideal abstract value, a universal impersonal and inhuman concept - capital-simulacrum reflects a person, as part of an always dual archetype. Time is good, money is good, both value concepts, ideas similar to other previously named mechanisms like the number system as idols of the market and theater - total according to the Situationists, are brought into a hypnotic state like an uroboros snake. The time continuum of capitalism, given the biopolitical agenda, what if not $ permanent? If capitalism is a religion, is it possible for society to keep the distinction between money and spirit ?! It is difficult even to imagine the possibility of a non-capitalist society, and capitalist values ​​acquire a religious connotation, capitalism is the undeniable and final horizon, the dominant order of discourse, the last remaining utopia and the only object of worship. The anti-teleological aspect of the history of the "religion of capitalism": guilt (law) arises with the arrival of the gods, including the gods of the capitalist cult, salvation from guilt lies in a return to the time before the gods. $ permanent is theory and practice, with humor new opportunities for the use of intelligence open up. $ permanent is not only an anti-racist, anti-chauvinist movement, it is thoughts about the possibilities of non-oppression through the recognition of human nature and organic economic structures. The structure plays an important role in the process of oppression; if it is inflexible, then in history it is castrated. The psychology of the masses, with the peculiarities of collective behavior, taking into account the unconscious, aspirations for survival, power, reproduction and status ... all this becomes basic knowledge that cannot be ignored. $ permanent - movement for harmonization and non-oppression. There is a lot of negativity associated with racism, at the root of which is structural violence. The awareness of our sperm origin is greater than the nation and races: each of us at least sperm, no matter how vulgar it may sound, will help to reach another level of non-oppression, ease, non-violence, acceptance, respect, ironic joy. $ ₽rémanent is part of the newest palgrave. $ Permanent is an example of liminal, limiting, reflection of a mass stay on the border between pleasure and pleasure, natural and artificial, sperm and money, found a "variable" in the equation of the continuation of life in the system of exchange and redistribution of resources. The pleasures associated with natural needs divide people: if you ate a delicacy, I may not get it. Not a sperm, but the volume of sperm, not a person, but humanity is a value. The value of social capital lies in the ability to reduce transaction costs, which leads to increased profits for the organization. A prerequisite for building social capital is establishing friendly and honest relationships with members of the other group. By maintaining “mutually beneficial” conditions, constantly increasing the total social capital, group members strengthen ties between each other and at the same time become richer. The more social capital, the less the need for normative regulation of relations. “What is $ Permanent? Briefly and in a nutshell:“ sperm is money. ”Is there capital without money, is there money without a person? capital ". Is there a person who is not derived from a sperm? What is a sperm, if not one of the sperm? How is human capital different from labor? A person's resource is a code of genetic violence against time and eternity. The DNA spiral was twisting, and this sperm is you, at the top of the food chain. Seize the moment, squeeze it in the grip of high speeds. Go for it, be with the gods. Laugh at yourself, resource, oh man, you are a fallen creature! You were born in the sin of carefree love, in it you are mired and you will be buried, and there is no other flame of glow, except for decaying you during absorption. Resource you are comprehensive, sperm, you are powerful. I praise you, you are the measure of measures and the root of square numbers. Capitalism is consonant with humanism, even if it sounds paradoxical to an anti-capitalist. Yes, and who is he, this anti-capitalist, if not wounded by his impotence, a scribbled one who claims power through activism? There will be no man - will capital remain? it is time to recognize capital as a product of human activity. Does anyone have any doubts about this? after all, there is an objective history of art, and it is neither more nor less intertwined with the roots of the minting of the first gold coins. So fertile soil, like a blooming mother, is at the auction: a market and a bazaar, where to sell life at a higher price and buy death at a lower price. And an alienated person, alienated from his father and from God, becomes a human resource, social capital, and then his flutters can be traded on the big data exchange. So the spiral of time uncomplicatedly turns. An independent individual and a citizen of the state feels like a commodity in the human resources market, while he is a bearer of human strength and abilities. An alienated person, intended for sale, enters the game of reality, inevitably loses his self-esteem, like a prostituted object inherent in people even at the earliest stage of historical development. He inevitably loses the feeling of his own self, which he could never have, but only borrow on credit, which in karmic heaven he promised to regularly pay off in this life. Any idea of ​​oneself is forcedly drawn from the cultural heritage of foreign identifications and foreign languages, the right of one's own language is given only to geniuses. Hence, not everyone has their own voice. The idea of ​​oneself as a unique and inimitable creature is rooted in medical myths about the uniqueness of the DNA molecule. Things do not have their own I. And a person who has become an alienated object in the market cannot have it either, so he is forced to take drugs, tranquilizers, antidepressants, alcohol, drugs as a payment for access to reality in order to alleviate the burden to reality in itself. " Hegel hardly spoke with Jung, who in the "Red Book" still could not keep silent about the feeling of guilt. The contradictions revealed by consciousness are an indicator of the thirst for another reality, and in this junction there is a liminal. Lyoubov Touinova all rights reserved