"Out of nature” by Martin Spigola at the Widget Art Gallery

  • Type: event
  • Location: the internet
  • Starts: Nov 9 2020 at 6:11PM
Dear friends & colleagues,

Hope this email finds you well and safe.
I am glad to present "Out of nature” a quarantine-inspired GIF by Martin Spigola, hosted by the WAG from November 9 2020 until January 9 2021.
The Widget Art Gallery http://www.chiarapassa.it/wag is a Web-App cross-device, just save the WAG icon on your mobile screen!
The WAG is always available as widget for the osx-dashboard at
Enjoy the show!

Best regards, Chiara Passa

About the show

"Out of nature" is inspired by the quarantine period we are still living in. During this critical period, the human lives have stopped, while the natural cycles have continued their course indifferently. This event has shown how much, by now, human, and natural rhythms of life are irreconcilable and will no longer coincide. "Out of nature" describes the WAG as a traditionally welcoming place that nevertheless welcomes no one, just like our emptied homes during quarantine, dominated by a brightness sky moving continuously over our lives.
Martin Spigola is a B.A. Fine Arts Academy student.

About the WAG

Due to our needs that seem to be increasingly handheld, WAG was born in 2008 as OSX Widget and launched as WebApp in 2009! The Widget Art Gallery is a single art-gallery-room fitting into people's pockets. Every two months, the WAG hosts a solo digital-art exhibition related to its dynamic site-specific context.
The WAG works both as a kunsthall showing temporary exhibitions and also as a museum conserving all the past shows inside an online archive as a dynamic permanent collection.
WebApp: http://www.chiarapassa.it/wag