Wind Chimes - Sound installation at UCLA

Wind chimes is a site specific sound installation for UCLA's campus carillon.

Each day, data from hourly measurements of the wind will be turned into a 3 minutes score simulating wind chimes.

At 5 P.M. I'll play the result of the last 24 hours in the UCLA's carillon keyboard.

This abstraction and re-composition of wind movements will be distributed across the campus through the Powell Library loudspeakers.

Wind chimes - A sound installation by Martin Bonadeo

UCLA Campus - Outdoors - Anywhere near Powell Library

November 15-16-17-18-19-22-23-24 at 5 P.M.

Scored by Daily Measurements of Wind

Performed by Martin Bonadeo

More info:

I've already published it in page///\_id25402

But I don't know why they didn't publish it in the calendar….

Hope you can help

Here is the essential information.
If you need some more info, photos or whatever, please contact me.