Art Call – 4th Annual “Abstracts” Online Juried Art Competition

Light Space & Time Online Art Gallery announces an art call for the gallery’s 4th Annual “Abstracts” Juried Art Competition for the month of March 2013. The gallery invites all 2D artists (including photography) from around the world are called upon to make online submissions for inclusion in to the Gallery’s April 2013 online group art exhibition. “Abstract” is considered to be any non-representational abstract art in a 2 dimensional form.

The deadline to apply to this art competition is March 27, 2013. Winners receive extensive worldwide publicity and promotion. For further information and to apply online


, Michael Szpakowski

hmm - I see in 'Announce' that not content with parting hopeful ( & I'm afraid, gullible) artists from their money in return for a some ephemeral package of "benefits", this shower are now targetting students too. Shame on them.

, Alex Nodopaka

There's always an alternative to the Ponzi scheme… a DO the MATH scheme!

It's better to invest in Russian Mutual Funds… lol at least you get to pay for your own ticket & see what it takes to live under asteroidal histrionics!
