virtual beasties on the internet


The artists' description:

"TechnoSphere is a 3D virtual world that is accessed via the Internet.
It has a World Wide Web interface that allows people to construct
artificial life-forms from component descriptions and place them in
the world. The life-forms grow and evolve over time and regularly
send messages, images and animations back to their creator by email.

TechnoSphere is an arena in which digital creatures seek a future.
Artificial life-forms compete for resources and develop their genetic
potential for life. TechnoSphere is a world created by fractal
geometry, inhabited by creatures grown from genetic algorithms and
experienced by real people. The evolutionary development of the
three-dimensional world will depend on the participation of an
on-line public."

Technosphere is currently being overhauled to give a more graphical interface,
but the beasties are roaming across the plains and send postcards to tell you
how they are getting on. Soon, the plan was when I last heard, you will be able
to survey the digital savannah where, among many others, valdemar the herbivore,
my own creation, frolics among his playmates.

You may like to visit Technosphere at: