———- Forwarded message ———-
From: eleven <[email protected]>
Date: Nov 12, 2005 6:38 AM
Subject: [spectre] Open Call for Two-month Residencies in Prague for 2006
To: spectre list submissions <[email protected]>
(?eska verze dole)
The DEAI Civic Association
An Open Call for a two Two-month Residency at
Open Studios Prague Dolni Pocernice (Czech Republic)
The goal of the residency is to support the development of individual
work and the collaboration of international artists.
Both Czech and foreign artists are eligible to apply. Applicants
should propose a suitable project for the facilities available (see
http://openstudios.info/en/about.html) Work should be of a high
quality, ideally with an interest in communication with colleagues
who will be staying concurrently in the studios. Applicants should
have a good command of English.
For the selected artists the cost of the studio/living space will be
covered. The resident will also receive reimbursement for materials
used in the project of 8.000 CZK (minimum). There may also be an
opportunity, pending mutual agreement, to exhibit works at the
Skolska 28 Gallery (see http://skolska28.cz/). The artist is expected
to reside on the premises for the bulk of their residency. Artists
are responsible for their own insurance, travel and food during their
The application must include:
* Contact data, permanent place of stay
* Motivation letter no longer than two pages detailing what the
artist intends to work on during the residency
* CV of professional work
* Documentation of recent work
* Preferred dates for the residency
Project is to be mailed or be given in person to:
Dana Recmanova
Komunika?ni prostor Skolska 28
Skolska 28, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
[email protected]
Deadline: 22 December 2005
* Applications received postmarked after the deadline will not be
* Application materials will not be returned unless accompanied by
International postal return coupons.
* Residents will be selected by panel of art professionals.
* Applicants will be notified of the panel's decision not later than
16 January 2006.
The Open Studios Program was initiated by the Linhart Foundation in
1999 in cooperation with the municipal district Praha Dolni Pocernice
and with the support of the City of Prague. Since 2005, the program
is managed by the civic association DEAI, continuing the activities
of the Linhart Foundation.
Ob?anske sdruzeni DEAI/setkani
dva dvoum?si?ni tv?r?i pobyty v Otev?enych atelierech Praha
Dolni Po?ernice
Cilem programu je poskytnuti zazemi pro individualni tvorbu a
podpora mezinarodni um?lecke spoluprace.
O pobyt mohou zadat domaci i zahrani?ni um?lci. P?edpokladem
je vhodny projekt pro program v OA (http://openstudios.info/en/
about.html), vysoka um?lecka urove?, zajem o komunikaci s
kolegy, kte?i budou ve stejnou dobu pobyvat v atelierech, a dobra
znalost mluvene angli?tiny.
Vybranym um?lc?m budou hrazeny naklady na atelier (zarove?
slouzi jako ubytovani) a naklady
na material (v zavislosti na projektu a vysi o?ekavanych
grant?, minimaln? vsak ve vysi 8.000 K?). Prace vznikle v
pr?b?hu pobytu je mozne po dohod?
prezentovat v Galerii Skolska 28 (http://skolska28.cz/). Od
vybranych um?lc? se o?e kava, ze v mist? stravi celou dobu
sveho pobytu.
Zadost o ud?leni tv?r?iho pobytu musi obsahovat:
* Kontaktni udaje, trvale misto pobytu
* Motiva?ni dopis (jak sv?j pobyt vyuziji pro svou profesionalni
praci a tvorbu) v rozsahu max. dvou stran
* Profesni zivotopis zadatele a p?ehled dosavadnich
realizovanych projekt?
* Obrazovou dokumentaci tvorby z poslednich let
* Uvedeni preferovaneho terminu p?ipadneho pobytu
Projekt zpracovany podle uvedenych podminek musi byt zaslan
postou nebo osobn? doru?en na adresu:
Dana Recmanova
Komunika?ni prostor Skolska 28
Skolska 28, 110 00 Praha 1
[email protected]
Uzav?rka p?ihlasek: 22. prosinec 2005
* Po terminu p?edlozene zadosti (rozhoduje razitko posty)
nebudou do vyb?roveho ?izeni za?azeny.
* Zaslane zadosti se nevraci.
* Zadosti posoudi odborna rada.
* O vysledku konkurzu budou p?edkladatele vyrozum?ni nejpozd?ji
do poloviny ledna 2006.
Program Otev?ene Ateliery Praha Dolni Po?ernice zahajila
Linhartova nadace v roce 1999 ve spolupraci s obecnim u?adem Praha
Dolni Po?ernice a za podpory hl. m?sta Prahy. Od roku 2005 jsou
Otev?ene Ateliery Praha Dolni Po?ernice a Komunika?ni prostor
Skolska 28 spravovany ob?anskym sdruzenim DEAI, ktere
navazalo na aktivity Linhartovy nadace.
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
Info, archive and help:
Fwd: [spectre] Open Call for Two-month Residencies in Prague for 2006
Type: discussion
are you kidding?
Marisa Olson wrote:
> ———- Forwarded message ———-
> From: eleven <[email protected]>
> Date: Nov 12, 2005 6:38 AM
> Subject: [spectre] Open Call for Two-month Residencies in Prague for 2006
> To: spectre list submissions <[email protected]>
> (?eska verze dole)
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-
> The DEAI Civic Association
> announces
> An Open Call for a two Two-month Residency at
> Open Studios Prague Dolni Pocernice (Czech Republic)
> http://openstudios.info/
> The goal of the residency is to support the development of individual
> work and the collaboration of international artists.
> Both Czech and foreign artists are eligible to apply. Applicants
> should propose a suitable project for the facilities available (see
> http://openstudios.info/en/about.html) Work should be of a high
> quality, ideally with an interest in communication with colleagues
> who will be staying concurrently in the studios. Applicants should
> have a good command of English.
> For the selected artists the cost of the studio/living space will be
> covered. The resident will also receive reimbursement for materials
> used in the project of 8.000 CZK (minimum). There may also be an
> opportunity, pending mutual agreement, to exhibit works at the
> Skolska 28 Gallery (see http://skolska28.cz/). The artist is expected
> to reside on the premises for the bulk of their residency. Artists
> are responsible for their own insurance, travel and food during their
> stay.
> The application must include:
> * Contact data, permanent place of stay
> * Motivation letter no longer than two pages detailing what the
> artist intends to work on during the residency
> * CV of professional work
> * Documentation of recent work
> * Preferred dates for the residency
> Project is to be mailed or be given in person to:
> Dana Recmanova
> Komunika?ni prostor Skolska 28
> Skolska 28, 110 00 Praha 1, Czech Republic
> [email protected]
> Deadline: 22 December 2005
> * Applications received postmarked after the deadline will not be
> accepted.
> * Application materials will not be returned unless accompanied by
> International postal return coupons.
> * Residents will be selected by panel of art professionals.
> * Applicants will be notified of the panel's decision not later than
> 16 January 2006.
> The Open Studios Program was initiated by the Linhart Foundation in
> 1999 in cooperation with the municipal district Praha Dolni Pocernice
> and with the support of the City of Prague. Since 2005, the program
> is managed by the civic association DEAI, continuing the activities
> of the Linhart Foundation.
> -end-
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Ob?anske sdruzeni DEAI/setkani
> vypisuje
> dva dvoum?si?ni tv?r?i pobyty v Otev?enych atelierech Praha
> Dolni Po?ernice
> http://openstudios.info/
> Cilem programu je poskytnuti zazemi pro individualni tvorbu a
> podpora mezinarodni um?lecke spoluprace.
> O pobyt mohou zadat domaci i zahrani?ni um?lci. P?edpokladem
> je vhodny projekt pro program v OA (http://openstudios.info/en/
> about.html), vysoka um?lecka urove?, zajem o komunikaci s
> kolegy, kte?i budou ve stejnou dobu pobyvat v atelierech, a dobra
> znalost mluvene angli?tiny.
> Vybranym um?lc?m budou hrazeny naklady na atelier (zarove?
> slouzi jako ubytovani) a naklady
> na material (v zavislosti na projektu a vysi o?ekavanych
> grant?, minimaln? vsak ve vysi 8.000 K?). Prace vznikle v
> pr?b?hu pobytu je mozne po dohod?
> prezentovat v Galerii Skolska 28 (http://skolska28.cz/). Od
> vybranych um?lc? se o?e kava, ze v mist? stravi celou dobu
> sveho pobytu.
> Zadost o ud?leni tv?r?iho pobytu musi obsahovat:
> * Kontaktni udaje, trvale misto pobytu
> * Motiva?ni dopis (jak sv?j pobyt vyuziji pro svou profesionalni
> praci a tvorbu) v rozsahu max. dvou stran
> * Profesni zivotopis zadatele a p?ehled dosavadnich
> realizovanych projekt?
> * Obrazovou dokumentaci tvorby z poslednich let
> * Uvedeni preferovaneho terminu p?ipadneho pobytu
> Projekt zpracovany podle uvedenych podminek musi byt zaslan
> postou nebo osobn? doru?en na adresu:
> Dana Recmanova
> Komunika?ni prostor Skolska 28
> Skolska 28, 110 00 Praha 1
> [email protected]
> Uzav?rka p?ihlasek: 22. prosinec 2005
> * Po terminu p?edlozene zadosti (rozhoduje razitko posty)
> nebudou do vyb?roveho ?izeni za?azeny.
> * Zaslane zadosti se nevraci.
> * Zadosti posoudi odborna rada.
> * O vysledku konkurzu budou p?edkladatele vyrozum?ni nejpozd?ji
> do poloviny ledna 2006.
> Program Otev?ene Ateliery Praha Dolni Po?ernice zahajila
> Linhartova nadace v roce 1999 ve spolupraci s obecnim u?adem Praha
> Dolni Po?ernice a za podpory hl. m?sta Prahy. Od roku 2005 jsou
> Otev?ene Ateliery Praha Dolni Po?ernice a Komunika?ni prostor
> Skolska 28 spravovany ob?anskym sdruzenim DEAI, ktere
> navazalo na aktivity Linhartovy nadace.
> -konec-
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-
> \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
> SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
> Info, archive and help:
> http://coredump.buug.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/spectre
> +
> -> post: [email protected]
> -> questions: [email protected]
> -> subscribe/unsubscribe: http://rhizome.org/preferences/subscribe.rhiz
> -> give: http://rhizome.org/support
> +
> Subscribers to Rhizome are subject to the terms set out in the
> Membership Agreement available online at http://rhizome.org/info/29.php