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From: Johannes Birringer <[email protected]>
Date: Nov 4, 2005 1:40 PM
Subject: Digital Cultures Lab
To: [email protected]
a n n o u n c e m e n t
Digital Cultures Lab
Commencing 28th November and running until 4th December, Nottingham will
play host to a remarkable array of digital artists who will bring their
most recent works to the city. Curated by Johannes Birringer, a
choreographer and Research Fellow at Nottingham Trent University's
School of Art and Design, the festival will showcase innovations in
dance, interactive media and new technology.
The Digital Cultures Lab festival launches with a conference attended by
over forty of the world's leading practitioners of technology-based
dance forms. They have been invited to Nottingham Trent University to
examine how interactive performance and other systems of
technology-based creativity - ranging from engineering, robotics,
architecture, games, music, fashion and textiles - impact on dance
cultures fostering a new performance 'transculture'.
Following the Lab, members of the public will be able to attend some of
the most innovative performances and screenings that lie at the
crossroads of dance, movement, and technology. These events include
music, video installations, DJ's, streaming media performances and the
newest digital dance theatre work.
Thursday 1 December
Opening Night, 8.30pm
Powerhouse and Basement, Victoria Studios
o Bodydataspace (G Boddington / A Terruli)
o Machinima (Ricard Gras)
o Pizzurno Revisited (Margarita Bali)
o DJ Tipuk and Venya Krutikov
o Image-controlled sound nanospheres (DS-X.org.Germany), featured as
part of a UK / Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen exchange of
artists groups
o Ballettikka Internettikka (Igor Stromajer)
o tedr:telematic performance between Nottingham, Sydney and Phoenix
Friday 2 December
Sandfield Centre
o Purushartha (Jayachandran Palazhy with Kunihiko Matsuo)
o 16 (R)evolutions (Troika Ranch)
o Dying on my Feet (Miranda Rights)
Additional Videodance programme curated by Nuria Font
Digital Cultures Lab
Type: discussion