Well, it's back to school time, isn't it?
I'm interested in compiling a list of syllabi for courses on the
history & theory of new media, and I'm sure than many of the other
teachers on this list would love to see them, too. Practice-oriented
courses would also be of interest, though there seem to be more
slightly resources out there on how to teach these things. I'm very
interested to see not only what's on people's reading lists, but also
how people are organizing their
materials–historically/chronologically, formally, thematically…
If you are teaching or taking a class on this (or have in the past)
and the syllabus is available online, send me an off-list message with
the link. I'll add it to my list and send it out to the list and
Digest, next week.
Call for Syllabi: History & Theory of New Media
Type: discussion