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Subject: [ann] Wikipedia / Media Art initiative, transmediale Berlin
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2005 22:19:31 -0600
From: Andreas Broeckmann <[email protected]>
Reply-To: Andreas Broeckmann <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Wikipedia / Media Art
an online initiative and discussion
(Sunday, 6 February, 18h, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, K1)
For a number of years now, Wikipedia.org has functioned as an
international online knowledge portal. As an independent encylopedia,
it offers the possiblity for thousands of users to be active on this
open and public knowledge pool - both as writers and as editors.
So far, the concept of media art has not been systematically made
available. At the same time however, the open online encyclopedia is
the ideal environment for the complex and rhizomatic structure of
media art to be discussed and displayed.
transmediale.05 undertakes an initiative to strengthen the area of
Wikipedia/media art and to create an international effort to bring it
to the current level of discussion and research. The initiative seeks
to complement corresponding publication and research projects,
encompassing canonical and perphipheral, fresh and
media-archeological items, and will function as a valuable resource
path through the wide world of media art.
In the exhibition area of the festival (the foyer of the House of
World Cultures, Berlin), a dedicated computer provides access to
Wikipedia. Additionally, on Sunday February 6, at 6pm, an open
discussion will take place about Wikipedia /media art, for which we
are expecting Wikipedia contributors, interested users, artists and
researchers. The potentials and possibilites of Wikipedia will be
reported on, and the future handling of the Wikipedia/media art
project will be discussed.
international media art festival berlin
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Wikipedia / Media Art initiative, transmediale Berlin
Type: discussion