Tales from space

Dear friends,
I'm glad to share with you my latest artwork: "Tales
from space", agenerative video-installation based on the theory of the
quantum mechanics.
"Tales from Space" develops in a hollow space or
under a dome. The viewer is surrounded by the projections and listens to
short sentences about the concept of multidimensional-space. The words,
generating a barrage of random points, blacks holes,
micro-flash-dimensions and macro forms of light that intersect each
other; envelope themselves, double back, widen and shrink, depending on
the spectrum modulation of the sound narrative that is based on the
concept of quantum mechanics.
Demo video extract: http://www.chiarapassa.it/videoenglish.html
Images: http://www.chiarapassa.it/talesfromspaceimages.html
Best regards, Chiara