make it happen

the 181 is Brandon Boan, Abby Donovan, Tom Hughes, Jason Rhodes

3 months at SPACE for this imperfect approximation of the universe as a whole.

We have the sailboat, a volunteer squadron serenade of Vespas, a gilded E, a heliographic translation of Borges's Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote, and numerous half-silvered mirrors. Among other things. But we still need to construct more instruments of observation, a river of liquid clay, a magic carpet of sorts, and some way to begin to compensate our incredible team of collaborators: noise artist, sound engineer, musicians, photographer, and videographer.

The 181composes perceptual and situational architectures which expand, contract, or reassemble as information sloshes about. Feedback, looping layers, and material floods of this, the permeable present. It is well-known that symmetry on a plane suggests volume to the mind, but we are nevertheless surprised that even the oddest, unnatural, un-anticipatable symmetries communicate volume. We postulate that an existential volume is equivalent to its echoes.

Circle of Commotion and Moving Pauses is the first opportunity that we have had for such a long-term occupation of an entire gallery (organic, shifting, and indeterminate as it may be). Help us go to town.


, abby donovan

8 days to go and we're only 265$ from our all or nothing goal. make a pledge today, any kind of pledge. we're not picky, we're just trying to pay the band!

and thanks to everyone for their support