artef@actos virtuales brian mackern en inmerso cyberlounge museo tamayo

inmerso [foro.lounge]

El Museo Tamayo
Arte Contemporáneo invita
al performance inaugural de

Brian Mackern

miércoles 6 de febrero de 2008
a las 20:00 horas en el cyberlounge
entrada libre | cupo limitado
6 de febrero al11 de mayo de 2008

Brian Mackern


6 de febrero al 11 de mayo de 2008

This exhibition is a retrospective of the work by Uruguayan artist Brian
Mackern (Montevideo, 1962), who since 1996
has been exploring and experimenting creatively with digital contexts
and the Internet. His proposal represents a
productive resistance within the field of new media; and while it is
somewhat isolated in the Latin-American scene,
it can be associated with the creations of his European contemporaries,
those who worked as a team inside a
theoretical framework built along a production process.

Set Variable = Random (ART)

His work focuses mainly on structures in process. The artist, whose work
is known worldwide, explores the
design of interfaces, alternative navigation, random concatenation of
events, the creation of soundtoys
(objects / generative audio-visual interfaces / reactive interfaces /
interactive interfaces) and real-time video-data
animations as well as Net art and sound art creations.

This retrospective includes sound-art creations as well as reactive and
interactive pieces in audio, Net and CD-ROM formats.

Among these works is the celebrated website _http://34s56w.org_, where,
through an emotional mapping,
the artist displays the topography, urban layout and intertwined
activities that are then recomposed in a
chaotic, romantic and noisy experience structured in a series of
interactive features associated with the
“glocation”^2 of Montevideo (latitude 34s longitude 56w).

/Soundtoys/, presented in CD-ROM format, includes, among many other Net
art works, the 1999 project titled /
Overflow/ and developed together with @mp; /Chamanic Interferences/,
based on the work of renowned
Latin-American experimental musicians; ((( ·^ LIVING STEREO · ))), a
project developed from the poetics of the
remix theory and the expanded/playable cinema, a reinterpretation of
moods synthesized in fragmented and
emotional atmospheres; and /XTCS/, sound art based on the static
generated by a storm in Santa Rosa, Uruguay.

*inmerso [foro.lounge]* es un espacio dedicado a la presentación de
actos en vivo de net art e interactividad autoral, en un ambiente lounge
y una atmósfera informal que propicia la sumersión en la obra.

*inmerso [foro.lounge] * is a space designed for live performances of
net art and interactive authorship, where the ambiance of a lounge and a
casual atmosphere encourage immersion in the artwork.