The Cape

From Rhizome Artbase

The Cape is a hypertext narrative. It's in black and white, because that's what colour photocopies come in. It uses DHTML when Flash would do nicely. It conflates fact and fiction. Cape Cod is a real place, but the events and characters of The Cape are mostly made up. The diagrams are not to scale. The maps are accurate, but out of date. I didn't take any of the photographs and anyway, they have all been retouched. The Cape was written, designed, built and copyright by me, J. R. Carpenter, in August 2005. Many DHTML and javascripts were injured during the making of this web site. I used HomeSite 4.0 for everything except the timelines, which I plotted in Dreamweaver. All other credits remain intact inside the source code. To navigate The Cape, click on the images at the bottom of the screen. I generally read from left to right, but you can read in any order you like. There are no special instructions or requirements for viewing this piece, except for possibly: Don't believe everything you read.
The Cape appeared in the Spring 2006 issue of BathHouse, the interdisciplinary and hybrid arts journal of Eastern Michigan University, USA; function:feminism New Works 2006, in conjunction with the Feminist Art Project, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA; The First Free Internet Gallery Turin, Milan and Venice, since January 2006; and will be included in the web and CD-Rom of the Electronic Literature Collection, UCLA, USA, Fall 2006.

J. R. Carpenter
13 June 2006
Variant History
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J. R. Carpenter
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13 June 2006
Rhizome staff