Sixgun: Tales From An Unfolded Earth

From Rhizome Artbase

'One day the world stretched, then twisted, then unfurled. It was as if the many-folded thing we then thought to be reality had shrugged its shoulders and settled back into a more comfortable shape. Our Earth, unfolded back into its true form, was for many years afterwards a place of strangeness.

Daniel Merlin Goodbrey
1 May 2002
Legacy descriptive tags
Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Abraham Lincoln, Joseph Alberto Saxifrage Quotidian Smith, An Unfolded Earth
Narrative, Formalist, Conceptual, television, postmodern, posthuman, memory, disappearance, death, HTML, Flash, Visual
Attribution: Rhizome staff
Variant History
outside link
Daniel Merlin Goodbrey
static files
1 May 2002
Rhizome staff