
From Rhizome Artbase

We unconsciously demand the application of certain elementary principles in the arrangements which surround us in daily life. These principles are so simple that when they are complied with, one is not even aware of the source of one's satisfaction. On the other hand the violation of these simple principles will give rise to a feeling of disappointment which is none the less actual for being, sometimes, quite undefinable.
The success of each project in my site, depends in a measure on correct balance in every sense this medium - digital art/web site - has to offer. What I build is a collage or an assemblage of interrelated short art pieces that although seemingly detached from each other, in whole, express a complete thought or statement. My site remains in a "work in progress".

shirin Kouladjie
29 November 2001
Legacy descriptive tags, Vancouver, USA, San Francisco, New York, france, California, photomontage, n3xt
Attribution: shirin Kouladjie
Readymade, Participatory, Narrative, allegory, television, publish, nostalgia, interface, film, Animation, Shockwave, RealPlayer, QuickTime, Perl, Javascript, Java, HTML, Flash, download, DHTML, Visual, video
Attribution: Rhizome staff
Variant History
outside link
shirin Kouladjie