collateral assets (2000)

Our history is rife with the horrors we have put upon each other; our vulnerability, the frailty of every life of all species on this planet looms before us at every turn.

Media bows to and embraces constant mutations of rhetoric syntactically designed to transform human tragedy into nationalistic spectacle. We are the pawns, the collateral in the militaristic games. Collateral assets was initiated as a online demonstration of global unity, a venue offering voice to the like-minded, an open statement of solidarity and love. Built in the 2 weeks following the fall of the Twin Towers in NYC, it is a propitiary offering towards understanding and a cessation of the violence our species initiates against ourselves.

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Our history is rife with the horrors we have put upon each other; our vulnerability, the frailty of every life of all species on this planet looms before us at every turn.

Media bows to and embraces constant mutations of rhetoric syntactically designed to transform human tragedy into nationalistic spectacle. We are the pawns, the collateral in the militaristic games. Collateral assets was initiated as a online demonstration of global unity, a venue offering voice to the like-minded, an open statement of solidarity and love. Built in the 2 weeks following the fall of the Twin Towers in NYC, it is a propitiary offering towards understanding and a cessation of the violence our species initiates against ourselves.

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