Ivy League (2002)

Ivy League is an attack on the hyperbole that surrounds English Ivy. Our research is located in the diversity of the Web, yielding the results as a conflicted, bizarre and oft times militant form of nature worship. We posit that the recent rhetoric surrounding native plants is concurrent with hybridizing notions of identity and nationalism due to the forces of globalisation. In all biological life, including human, \\\\'immigrants and foreigners\\\\" tend to be the scapegoats for local problems. Invasive species are constantly blamed for the changing \\\\'degraded\\\\' landscape, while little attention is paid to patterns of development that set the conditions for these species to thrive.

This project was part of the Virtual Gardens project by Studio XX in conjunction with Les Journ

Full Description

Ivy League is an attack on the hyperbole that surrounds English Ivy. Our research is located in the diversity of the Web, yielding the results as a conflicted, bizarre and oft times militant form of nature worship. We posit that the recent rhetoric surrounding native plants is concurrent with hybridizing notions of identity and nationalism due to the forces of globalisation. In all biological life, including human, \\\\'immigrants and foreigners\\\\" tend to be the scapegoats for local problems. Invasive species are constantly blamed for the changing \\\\'degraded\\\\' landscape, while little attention is paid to patterns of development that set the conditions for these species to thrive.

This project was part of the Virtual Gardens project by Studio XX in conjunction with Les Journ

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