hive (2002)

Web content, in its finished state, is merely one possible configuration of the bytecode that comprises it. The code, held rigidly in place and invisible to the naked eye, forms a set image which conveys a particular message to the viewer. But this bytecode might just as easily exist in entirely different combinations, yielding different forms with new meanings. Accomplishing this is a simple matter of breaking apart the data that comprises the whole and reorganizing the pieces in a new fashion. This recoding and reordering of information that has a seemingly fixed structure occurs in the non-digital world in many places and on many levels. The result is always to give new life and new form to what was previously unchanging. The new form may be wholly foreign to the original, the new message may be not altogether human in its voice. It always challenges us to see the ...

Full Description

Web content, in its finished state, is merely one possible configuration of the bytecode that comprises it. The code, held rigidly in place and invisible to the naked eye, forms a set image which conveys a particular message to the viewer. But this bytecode might just as easily exist in entirely different combinations, yielding different forms with new meanings. Accomplishing this is a simple matter of breaking apart the data that comprises the whole and reorganizing the pieces in a new fashion. This recoding and reordering of information that has a seemingly fixed structure occurs in the non-digital world in many places and on many levels. The result is always to give new life and new form to what was previously unchanging. The new form may be wholly foreign to the original, the new message may be not altogether human in its voice. It always challenges us to see the underlying components of the environment in a new light.

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