Chinese Dragon (2002)

Following the ancient idea of cultural canibalism, made immortal in Brazil after the Modern Art Week of 1922, Chinese Dragon assimilates little pieces of foreign culture left loose on the web and assembles them into something different.

Recycling trailers and pieces of video, Chinese Dragon (un)presents characters morphing them into mere shapes and colors, dancing to the chinese samba of Re:combo.

The video was produced as a graduation project by Daniel Werneck, based on re:combo's song. The soundtrack was made with the samples downloaded from the website, and the frames used to create the movie are also available so anyone can remix not only the song, but also the video.

(no dragons were harmed in the making of this movie)

Full Description

Following the ancient idea of cultural canibalism, made immortal in Brazil after the Modern Art Week of 1922, Chinese Dragon assimilates little pieces of foreign culture left loose on the web and assembles them into something different.

Recycling trailers and pieces of video, Chinese Dragon (un)presents characters morphing them into mere shapes and colors, dancing to the chinese samba of Re:combo.

The video was produced as a graduation project by Daniel Werneck, based on re:combo's song. The soundtrack was made with the samples downloaded from the website, and the frames used to create the movie are also available so anyone can remix not only the song, but also the video.

(no dragons were harmed in the making of this movie)

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