Sampling Robbe-Grillet (2002)

The process of scanning a book, "Topology of a Phantom City" (Alain Robbe-Grillet), recommends itself to certain external rules: elements of the text's punctuation represent separators which allow the "narration" to break up and to become integrated into a database.

According to the rules of opening and closing punctuation, the text becomes randomly reconstituted, invented by the programming of a new "narration."

As a result, we can see how the "indifference" of the Nouveau Roman ("the new novel") suggested by Robbe-Grillet can be applied to the problematic of computer programming. This relationship surpasses the Nouveau Roman's seemingly straight-forward similarity to code on a formal basis.

If anonymity can be read throughout the product and procedure of writing and programming, can programming be a Logos? How does it relate to the insensibility at the heart of aesthetics?

Full Description

The process of scanning a book, "Topology of a Phantom City" (Alain Robbe-Grillet), recommends itself to certain external rules: elements of the text's punctuation represent separators which allow the "narration" to break up and to become integrated into a database.

According to the rules of opening and closing punctuation, the text becomes randomly reconstituted, invented by the programming of a new "narration."

As a result, we can see how the "indifference" of the Nouveau Roman ("the new novel") suggested by Robbe-Grillet can be applied to the problematic of computer programming. This relationship surpasses the Nouveau Roman's seemingly straight-forward similarity to code on a formal basis.

If anonymity can be read throughout the product and procedure of writing and programming, can programming be a Logos? How does it relate to the insensibility at the heart of aesthetics?

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