hand (2001)

It might be overvaluing that giving the title of communication for the simple mouse click. Even small insects do not communicate each other with this simple action. What is different between moving small hand-shaped picture here and there and children's paper doll plays.

If not, is the matter of problem who skillfully use limited indication function and What kind of mean use or make use? If you think that is the matter, I just can say this is feeling of handicapped person who can not use his or her hands freely....

Bottleneck condition that function cannot follow the will. The other side of something that had to be formed of few words code. and, You are finding free inside of that.........

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It might be overvaluing that giving the title of communication for the simple mouse click. Even small insects do not communicate each other with this simple action. What is different between moving small hand-shaped picture here and there and children's paper doll plays.

If not, is the matter of problem who skillfully use limited indication function and What kind of mean use or make use? If you think that is the matter, I just can say this is feeling of handicapped person who can not use his or her hands freely....

Bottleneck condition that function cannot follow the will. The other side of something that had to be formed of few words code. and, You are finding free inside of that.........

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