Space to Place (2002)

by W. Yang

"Space to Place" is the story of a sojourner. When a stranger arrives in a new world, he brings with him a culture that is alien. In a new context, his prior habits and beliefs are arbitrary. However, as he becomes familiar with the environment, he is able to understand the new world in terms of his original culture. His original values and identity become the infrastructure on which he builds new meaning. What used to be a "space" is now a "place."

Based on stories of 18th century Chinese immigrants to the United States, "Space to Place" becomes a story about strangers in cyberspace. In front of the computer terminal, the formalistic rules of navigation evolve into a map of knowledge and memory. Conceived as an art project, it is an investigation into the potential of new media. The issues it addresses are:

-visualization of information structure -personalized ...

Full Description

"Space to Place" is the story of a sojourner. When a stranger arrives in a new world, he brings with him a culture that is alien. In a new context, his prior habits and beliefs are arbitrary. However, as he becomes familiar with the environment, he is able to understand the new world in terms of his original culture. His original values and identity become the infrastructure on which he builds new meaning. What used to be a "space" is now a "place."

Based on stories of 18th century Chinese immigrants to the United States, "Space to Place" becomes a story about strangers in cyberspace. In front of the computer terminal, the formalistic rules of navigation evolve into a map of knowledge and memory. Conceived as an art project, it is an investigation into the potential of new media. The issues it addresses are:

-visualization of information structure -personalized knowledge mapping -integration of user interface to the content

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2002
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Saturday Oct 12th, 2002
  • Original Url:
  • Work Credits:
    • Winston Yang, creator
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