O.Z. operating zystem (2001)

O.Z. operating zystem

Remembering the classical film "The Wizard of OZ" this project is based on a main history where through a trip by a code sweepings reference to the yellow brick road which is crossed in linear and nonlinear form to go at "home" crossing different obstacles and mistaken ways between hidden links, animated GIFs and MIDI sounds. The ideal way is to light on automatic pilot and be patient because if you wish it strongly you

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O.Z. operating zystem

Remembering the classical film "The Wizard of OZ" this project is based on a main history where through a trip by a code sweepings reference to the yellow brick road which is crossed in linear and nonlinear form to go at "home" crossing different obstacles and mistaken ways between hidden links, animated GIFs and MIDI sounds. The ideal way is to light on automatic pilot and be patient because if you wish it strongly you

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