Made to (un ) order (2002)

The project abuses the material of the technologic culture, exploring the potential of the digital generative art and its possibilities, construct a sonorous experimentation poetical - visual interactive. It is an addition more for the multiple market already of the sonorous visual expression. It makes with software reactive, generative and interactive applications as an amusement, a game so that the reader enters, where the rules are given so that it makes its chooses of action. Depending on the object and the interaction the spectator it is changed into a musician or a DJ. Perhaps the characteristic most original of this interactive experimentation is that it allows that the emergent phenomena are considered. An emergent phenomenon that cannot be foreseen. Nor it can entirely be explained or be moved away simply. The emergent phenomena are, over all those that cannot be foreseen by the behavior of its components. They happen as ...

Full Description

The project abuses the material of the technologic culture, exploring the potential of the digital generative art and its possibilities, construct a sonorous experimentation poetical - visual interactive. It is an addition more for the multiple market already of the sonorous visual expression. It makes with software reactive, generative and interactive applications as an amusement, a game so that the reader enters, where the rules are given so that it makes its chooses of action. Depending on the object and the interaction the spectator it is changed into a musician or a DJ. Perhaps the characteristic most original of this interactive experimentation is that it allows that the emergent phenomena are considered. An emergent phenomenon that cannot be foreseen. Nor it can entirely be explained or be moved away simply. The emergent phenomena are, over all those that cannot be foreseen by the behavior of its components. They happen as successful, unexpected mutations. The interactive generative art of “Made to (un) order” favors the surprises of the events that can or not to be controlled. The Technological dynamics set in motion through mechanisms of the internet the paradigm of communication of traditional art work; it’s like an active dialogue. A dialogue process meaning is negotiated occurs between the viewer and the art work. The art work makes a new relation between artist and audience, they are altered, configure itself as a mental event. Made to (un) order ,it questions the authorship of the workmanship, offers a space for combinations of active elements, that if they rearrange in unusual ways. I explore the concept ergodic of Espen Aarseth by means of generative process.

Bibliography: AARSETH,Espen J. (1997) Cybertext- Perspectives on Ergodic Literature. Baltimore The Johns Hopkins University Press. BEIGUELMAN, Giselle .(2001.2002) BOLTER J. D. e GRUSIN R. (1999) Remediation - Understanding New Media. Cambridge, MIT Press CRARY, Jonathan (1998). Techniques of the Observer. Cambridge: The MIT Press. ______________ (1999). Suspensions of Perception. Cambridge: The MIT Press. FOUCAULT, Michel. (2000). As palavras e as coisas. Editora Martins Fontes. São Paulo COUCHOT, Edmond (1998). La technologie dans l’art. De la photographie à la réalité virtuelle. Nîmes: Jacqueline Chambon. GIANNACHI, Gabriela (2004). Virtual Theatres: an Introduction. London: Routledge. GRAU, Oliver (2003). Virtual Art. From Illusion to Immersion. Cambridge: The MIT Press VIRILIO, Paul (1999) A Bomba Informática Trad. Luciano Vieira Machado,São Paulo- estação Liberdade.

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