"refugees" (2015)

Photoshop painting with intuos pro wacom C-print on canvas 180 x 130 cm.

Valéry Grancher 2015

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A serie about the mediterranean refugees and why they loosing their life in the sea...

Valéry Grancher 2015

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Artist Statement

As one of the first internet artist on the nineties (check my art of this time in the artbase)... I evolved with our internet technology development, cos I am an internet artist. These paintings are produced with different software such like artrage, photoshop CS6 with a stylus... They are produced on mobile phones, on laptop with stylus then published online, printed on paper, canvas, silk, aluminium... This is way to deal with painting process and typical XXI imagery status ! And they are finishing on instagram, facebook, rhizome, art galeries and museums...

Some are blaming me to publish online my artistic stream ! So regarding this I'm answering that: Glenn Gould had left the scene to focus on radio broadcasting and discography. And this in order to favor the symbiotic relationship between the composer, the performer, the technician, the sound engineer and the listener ... This was during the twentieth century second half ! We are in the XXI century. When the image is completely trivialized to a data and a stream. And whatever the medium of production of this image is, from painting to video or others, it is only that now ! So how to think the artistic ecology production in our time ? In my case, instagram, facebook and many other Internet resources such like clouds have became for me an open studio with its own flux. So my work is a flow, in constant interaction with the images ecology of the time, from the moment or the present. So logically, these pieces produced by hand or computer, is found illico on lines on all broadcast channels, and then end up in galleries or institutions, museums, biennials etc ... I think that in our time, a studio is not a cave, but a media alive platform . And that is how I plan my production methods that can completely be delocalized (From France via Hong Kong or California). From now there is a single territory, it is a media topos.

Valéry Grancher 2015

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