spherodendron (2015)

This spherodendron structure, was inspired by the forces of nature that drive the formation of complex networks, both physical structural networks and networks that exist as behavioral frameworks. From the nano-scale Actin filament networks of cells to the mega macro webs that make up the universe to the internet, nonlinear networks play a central role in everything. I designed this branching system to help visualize and better understand how networks evolve. i did not know before hand the analogies that would become apparent, The glowing elements (nodes) indicate dendritic branching events. note: the branching events form concentric layers within the spherical structure. This layer/shell structure emerged from the parent structure. Non-linear network structures are physically strong and have an important role in future of structural engineering. barabasi.com/networksciencebook/ (chapter 10)

Full Description

A Spherodendron (round tree) is a 3 dimensional web. It is built using growth rules I devised. It becomes increasingly structurally complex as the building process progresses. Besides being complex visually, its structure is surprisingly strong. There is great strength in nonlinear forms. The points of green light indicate branching events (nodes). This gives visual/structural perspective not apparent in the light. Note the concentric layers. Similar networks exist in the world. The internet, neuronal networks and the path information moves through a social network are examples. This system of building may help in the visualization of such complex networks. Understanding complex interactions is required for the positive future. Managing complex environmental-geopolicical-social-technological challenges requires a new interconnected approach. contemporary art beyond the humanities

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2015
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Monday Sep 21st, 2015
  • Original Url: https://vimeo.com/64214995
  • Work Credits:
    • widicus, primary creator
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Artist Statement

Nurturing the kinship between man’s technological future and nature’s mechanistic foundation will help in the creation of a sustainable world. Secular Nature worship through science, art and engineering. simplicity is an illusion, the perception of beauty is a moral test. don’t confuse artistic sophistication with decadence.

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