Video Art for Architectural Interiors (2015)

While Lacan indicates Architecture as surrounding an empty space the sense of a chain of signifiers which metonomically maps from inside out interests me in general .e.potted plants functioning to divide a space like columns, specifically I am interested in the cyber drawing as video installation which controls and contributes to the definition of a space as part of that spaces own project. Toward architects asking in -ware can organize space. Pattern block forms that vary between labyrinthine and monumental as block to form and form to block well as monochrome and color displacements that are tonic to the pattern and counter pose the chromatic and and value scales. And finally there are Architectural Ephemera....

Full Description

The work is one of drawing chapters within the video construct that enable a projection of distinction into fields of architectural space. The series in and of itself is canonical and symbolizes both language and drawing itself as information architecture. Since architecture has gone the course of working towards plan and program the transdisciplinary construct by which art psychology and physics model contemporary rhetoric as discursive is very available to and idea that is the construct of these drawings in identifying to a motion sensor medium

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2015
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Tuesday May 19th, 2015
  • Original Url:
  • Work Credits:
    • edwinvangorder, primary creator
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Artist Statement

The course of rhetoric as going beyond the oscillation of subject and object suits a grounding towards morphological arrows which for example Pevsnors dictionary was mapping towards a concept of Structuralism. I to some degree then revive this abandoned movement (Structuralism) by reinvesting an organic and neurological model of semiotic blending within the motion sensor medium as available to reconsider true motion in mind and matter beyond the stiltings of indices photography has posited. There I engage an interpellation and interpollation of drawing which enables trace and rhizome embedded as semiotic and Phenomenological globalism and plasticity.

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