What color is it? (2014)

What color is it renders time in colors using sine functions to modulate hexadecimal values.

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This piece was created following the original idea of whatcolourisit.scn9a.org, a website that plots time as an hexadecimal value to change its background color. Originally, hours are interpreted as the red value, minutes refer to the green value and seconds to the blue value.

Although interesting, colors vary in a somewhat arbitrary fashion throughout the day. I decided to rewrite the code in Processing.js so that the entire spectrum would be covered in 24 hours; to do so, three phased sine functions regulate the red, green and blue hues: at midnight the blue value peaks, at 8 am the green value peaks and at 4pm the red value peaks. Another sine function modulates the luminosity according to the time of day [making colors darker during the night]. Three complimentary sine functions modulate each current color tens of times every second.

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