Project Triangles (2014)

This project created a website as media and the website can produce paintings. They are similar to the form and the value in the production system. After users drag the shapes and save the changes, the original painting disappears and becomes the production mean that creates new works as new value. The paintings are not for collection commodity but for consumable commodity, because the value is vulnerable based on its changeability.

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This project was created by SVG, JavaScript, AWS S3 and html.

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I creates a website that users can draw shapes that are around the right-up corner via their mouses. At the same time, the web page also draw shapes by themselves. The output is an automatic and manual paintings. Users can save their works and see them in the list page.

After clicking the links in the list page, users will see their works and they can move the shapes away from the right-up corner and save this works.

This project created a website as media and the website can produce paintings. They are similar to the form and the value in the production system. After users drag the shapes and save the changes, the original painting disappears and becomes the production mean that creates new works as new value. The paintings are not for collection commodity but for consumable commodity, because the value is vulnerable based on its changeability.


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