Obamanation/Abomination (2011)

animated .GIF made out of a series of 45 .png images of a mutating Barack Obama.

Full Description

45 .PNG images, animated .GIF file (505x594px)

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Artist Statement

On October the 29th, an anonymous user (or a user called anonymous, depending on the perspective) posted a series of 45 .png images of a mutating Barack Obama on 4chan's random /b/ board. The posting cadence was unrelenting, probably script-driven, and few other users commented on it, leaving the stream of images to float silent and enigmatic as a temporary testimony of the perceived decadence of the Obama era. We arranged the 45 images in a 90-frame animated .gif that cycles endlessly. Obamanation/Abomination is just a tribute to the great signifying performance of that anonymous user: he did not explain, nor reiterate, nor justify - he just came, dumped his work from the first to the last frame, and left.

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