"Dame's Demise" (贵妇人在消亡) (2014)

by island6

ARTIST: Liu Dao 六岛 MEDIA :RGB LED display, one-way glass, teakwood frame EDITION: Unique DATE: Made in island6, Shanghai 2013 SIZE :41(W)×41(H)×5(D) cm | 16(W)×16(H)×2(D) inches

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"Are your eyes open, Matsuzaka Daisuke (松坂大輔)? Forget your woman at home. Forget her! I promise she'll be waiting for you when you return. Please, just for a moment, open your eyes to all the beautiful women below. All the pretty, little women beneath us. Hmph, they should kneel down, unzip my fatigues, and perform fellatio on my bloated c*ck, heh...but never-ever a woman in white, no. She deserves a little more than this. Matsuzaka, in the 1920s there's nothing more beautiful than a woman clad in white. You can't see anything so pristine in this country. Even the fallen snow eventually becomes dust-covered and polluted. A woman in white is something to marvel over; she''ll beckon you with those virgin eyes, a child unaware of the dormant temptress. Here, come on don't be such a child. Drink this. I've read in books and National Geographic -the sexual customs of African Negroes. What? I read! There's nothing better to do here. Listen, Negroes will only have sex on white sheets after marriage. Did you know that? In the morning the Negro will scan the sheets; if the sheets aren't stained a rusted hue the Negress will lose her family's honor and respect, she carries their reputation, you see? Women in white are like the mystery of the next morning. They're wearing white for a reason, Matsuzaka, it's like...I feel like I, we should expose their true colors...heh, no I'm not serious. I'm not, don't you know how to take a joke? But she was a beaut wasn't she?"

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