MathspeedST: The Ubiquitous Information of Numbers (2014)

Underlying the Observable Universe, a fixed, fractal-based, infinitely expandable numerical quantitation matrix grid ubiquitously and simultaneously informs all of space and time — spacetime — with the appropriate amount of energy expression as allowed by the Conservation of Energy. That grid is the BBS-ISL matrix. The nature of this spacetime energy flux is that areas of increased ST energy density (Dark Matter) must be compensated by areas of decreased ST energy density (Dark Energy).

Full Description

A graphics-based review of 20 ways to fill in the matrix and how the ubiquitous information of numbers is realized.

GULP... YEAH, I GOT IT! ~---




Ok, so let's change the metaphor.

-You are in a nice candlelit Italian restaurant that you know well.

-You've come early, before they have even opened. Together you sit at your favorite table while they are unfolding the B&W checkered tablecloths.

-As the checkered cloth settles on your table, you ask her to close her eyes and randomly place her finger on the cloth.

-With her eyes still closed, you reveal to her that she is touching a black square and ask, "Can you tell me what shade, black or white, are each of the remaining squares on the cloth?"

-"Of course, silly! After all, they do follow a pattern!"

-You reply, "What if the tablecloth was still folded?"

-Doesn't matter, silly! The pattern remains the same!"

-"What if the tablecloth was extended across the Universe?"

-"Doesn't matter, silly! The pattern remains the same! Knowing one square instantly and ubiquitously gives me information about the black or whiteness of every other possible square! It's like information traveling faster than the speed of light! It's like mathspeedST!

-You tease her with the following, "What if the B&W checkered tablecloth matrix grid was replaced with the BBS-ISL matrix grid? You know, the one with all the fixed, constant and known numbers?"

-"Doesn't matter, silly!" The pattern remains the same, albeit now the pattern is one of known numbers instead of known shades!"

-She continues, "The B&W squares are like "0s" and "1s" in computer code. In the tablecloth, they are simply following an alternating pattern, yet the cloth really is a demonstration of a simple code pattern. You want to see real computing power, try building your code pattern on all the whole integer numbers. Now put those into a solid, fixed relationship pattern and you end up with the BBS-ISL matrix grid. Now that's a real computer!"

-"Isn't that kind of complicated? I thought Nature was simple?"

-"Silly, Nature enjoys richness and complexity by means of the infinite combinational possibilities of simple things and nothing is simpler than numbers, 1, 2,3,....

-"Besides," she said, "if you want that Seafood Marinara pasta and wine dinner, you need to set the table!"

-Seeing that she is on a roll, he asks, "Back to the B&W checkered tablecloth, what if the patterned lines that form the squares were moveable as straight lines and you move them close together on one corner of the cloth — what would happen on the other corners?"

-Well, silly, obviously if the line pattern on the fixed area of the cloth itself was contracted — acting like Dark Matter —on one corner, the exposed area between the lines on the other corners would be expanded — acting like Dark Energy — giving us the Conservation of SpaceTime (area of the squares) as the core of the Conservation of Energy! Now, let's eat! I'm hungary!"

-"Why couldn't of you have just said so at the start?"

-"I did, you just weren't listening, silly!"

The General Ubiquity Rule (GUR) in effect, asserts that if you have a fixed numerical pattern that is ubiquitously present across all space and time (spacetime, ST), that information is present across the same, bypassing any need to actually travel or transports said information at or above the speed of light.

The Ubiquitous Information of Numbers new media project presents a summary of this idea in a somewhat playful form. The gist of the argument is as stated in the GUR above. A more local example of a checkered tablecloth is used to demonstrate the point. No matter how folded (or not), of whatever size, once you know the pattern of the cloth in any one grid square you know the the pattern of grids at any other spot on the cloth. Substituting the BBS-ISL (Brooks Base Square-Inverse Square Law) matrix, with its fixed numerical pattern that expands across any and all sizes, spaces, and times of distribution, gives us exactly that: The Ubiquitous Information of Numbers.

The takeaway here is this: Underlying the Observable Universe, a fixed, fractal-based, infinitely expandable numerical quantitation matrix grid ubiquitously and simultaneously informs all of space and time — spacetime — with the appropriate amount of energy expression as allowed by the Conservation of Energy. That grid is the BBS-ISL matrix. The nature of this spacetime energy flux is that areas of increased ST energy density (Dark Matter) must be compensated by areas of decreased ST energy density (Dark Energy).

~Reginald Brooks, 03/25/2014

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Artist Statement

A recent overnight stay in downtown Sacramento revealed and reinforced a wise old dictum: Keep it Simple, Stupid! (KSS!).

You see, their streets are alphabetical by numerical, that is: letters (A, B, C,...) and numbers (1, 2, 3, ...). The beauty of this simple grid is that from any spot downtown you already, immediately "know" where every other address spot in town is located! The corner of "10th" and "J" is 5 blocks up and 1 block over from "5th" and "I." Without any maps, GPS, devices, instructions, backseat drivers, rulers, calculators or advise from strangers, you know spatially exactly where everything is! KSS!

Of course the rub is, with or without a timepiece, you haven't a clue — in the really larger temporal sense — of where you are at in time! If you just remembered you were supposed to meet up with her at the corner of "10th" and "J" five years ago, well,....

As the time span increases, what is obvious is that your local space (distance) grid needs to be upgraded with a dynamic matrix grid. One that incorporates and accounts for both space and time (spacetime, ST) changes: enter the BBS-ISL matrix grid.

This Inverse Square Law (ISL)-based matrix grid comes in at the ground floor of all SpaceTime (ST) formation, and, in a fractal-like manner, proceeds to inform and account for all manifestations of ST expression (e.i. energy, mass, momentum, spin, charge, including, of course, the velocity of light, and yes, that includes Dark Matter and Dark Energy, etc, etc).

Critically, because every grid "cell" on the BBS-ISL matrix is uniquely occupied by a single, whole integer number, once any one spot on the grid is "known", every other spot on the grid is instantaneously — faster than the speed of light — "know." Nature "knows."

The Ubiquitous Information of Numbers is Nature's KSS! dictum in full force. Nature never gets lost (NNGL).

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