The No Form Project (2014)

The No Form Project is an intervention on the empty spaces that lay before the youtube video. The movie was paid to be shown as a common advertising targeted to a worldwide public.

Full Description

Having worked for digital agencies and production companies I directed a lot of films that were targeted to reach YouTube viewers. While reading Walter Benjamin and Jean Baudrillard I started tinkering with an idea– these 10 seconds interval between/before contents couldn’t be used in a more meaningful way?

The No Form Project thus started as an attempt to delve deeper into this question. The idea came while reading “The Art Conspiracy” which Baudrillard makes acute observations about how art since the ready made at most only tries to give form to the emptiness and most commonly is totally dead in which it only survives due to a invisible complot between the art industry and the viewers.

What we are seeing now is only the emptiness. The real art lays in the white screen in the cinema, the empty canvas, the blank screen of a computer or in this case the momentaneous black screen while loading the video– the rest is all advertisement. Images trying to attach meaning that are not inherit to them– the pornography of art in a more Baudrillardian term.

It is from this black-empty screen that The No Form Project attempts to speak as a ghostly image in its afterlife. Although the image doesn’t have a voice what we hear is Dies Irae, a thirteenth-century Latin hymn originally song at the Requiem Mass.

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2014
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Monday Jan 27th, 2014
  • Original Url:
  • Work Credits:
    • Matheus Siqueira, Creator
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Artist Statement

Tired from having to see everyday dozens of youtube ads trying to upsell products and brands this project was born as an idea to appropriate these 10 seconds intervals between videos as space of reflection. The project grew in strenght from an insight while reading the article "The Art Conspiracy" from Jean Baudrillard. The quintessential tought that gave birth to the project was Baudrillard's perception of the art being dead and the best it could do was to give form to the emptiness that lays behind it. Thus came to life THE NO FORM PROJECT not as art but as an attempt to express the emptiness that lays behind or after these 10 seconds intervals.

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