Mood Exchange Rate (2013)

Mood Exchange Rate is an online poem whose content is determined by the percentage the Amsterdam Stock Exchange Index rises or falls relative to the opening price of the day.

Full Description

Mood Exchange Rate is an online poem whose content is determined by the percentage the Amsterdam Stock Exchange Index rises or falls relative to the opening price of the day. Driven by the dynamics of the index, the poem changes continuously. The better the performance of the index, the more optimistic the text becomes, to the point over overheating (above 3%). If the index falls too fast, the text deteriorates. The project can be presented on a large vertically mounted monitor. We are currently investigating the use of a dedicated data display system like the ones in use at stock markets, railway stations etc. Mood Exchage Rate is part of our ongoing project The others did it, a series of poems whose content and presentation change under the influence of online data on dynamic events that occur elsewhere in the world. The text has a thematic kinship with these data, but this relationship is not uniform or one-dimensional. The phenomena that drive these data usually cannot be influenced by individual “users” at all (the time of the day, stock exchange rates, public transport data, high and low water), likewise the reader of the text has no influence on the content and presentation of that text. Currently, two more data poems are online: Channel of the North grows and shrinks as a function of the tide in the Westerschelde river on the Dutch/Belgian border. The right person depends on the time of the day at four different places in the world.This poem is not yet translated, but a Dutch version is online.

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