EXCERPTS, The Singles Collection: Emile Cohl, Fantasmagorie (1908) (2013)

A single GIF excerpted from Fantasmagorie (1908), a French animated film directed by Emile Cohl and considered by film historians to be the first animated cartoon.

Full Description

A series of gif excerpted from Fantasmagorie (1908), a French animated film directed by Emile Cohl and considered by film historians to be the first animated cartoon. The film was created by drawing each frame on paper and then shooting each frame onto negative film, which gave the picture a blackboard look.

The film, in all of its transformations, is a tribute to the by-then forgotten Incoherent artistic movement. The title is a reference to the “fantasmograph”, a mid-Nineteenth Century variant of the magic lantern that projected ghostly images that floated across the walls.

Fantasmagorie full gifs set here: http://okkultmotionpictures.tumblr.com/post/53193699552/fantasmagorie

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Artist Statement

EXCERPTS by OKKULT Motion Pictures: culture, education and knowledge through animated GIFs. A collection of gifs excerpted from open source/unknown/rare/controversial moving images. A digital archivalism project for the diffusion of open knowledge.

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