Woman (1990)

Plaster 70x52x37cm

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Plaster 70x52x37cm

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Artist Statement

Manuel Pereira da Silva has an abstract formal orientation inspired in the human figure, in particular the man and the woman. In 2000, the Medal of Cultural Merit was attributed to Manuel Pereira da Silva for the City Council of Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal. In 1939, he entered the Oporto University College of Arts. In 1946 and 1947, he studied in Paris, France at the Paris College of Arts. His work is diverse; ranging from the abstract to the figurative, from formal to informal. A common characteristic of the artist is the constant exploration of new uses of traditional materials, techniques and styles resulting in the discovery of new form and content. Manuel Pereira da Silva is represented in public spaces, corporate collections and has received prominent public and private art commissions. Luckily for us, the legacy of this profound and prolific sculptor lives on.


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