The Grand Tour (2013)

The Grand Tour

photography, internet 2011 -

Full Description

The Grand Tour

photography, internet, 2011 -

Inspired by photo’s found through internet image search of the term ‘horizon’, I have created a series of illusionary 'Landscapes' made by photographing different layers of paper using natural light. These landscapes acquired a specific title describing the fictional exact time, date and coordinates of the place in the world were the photo’s were supposedly taken, referring to the idea of a photo as a proof of how the place looks or a proof of being somewhere: ‘this is where I was and where I made the photo’. Subsequently the photo’s were submitted to Google Map via the gatekeeper of google - the Panoramio – ‘a website where people upload and geolocate photo’s of the world…’. Panoramio has an acceptance policy and does among others not accept images, which are not real. Each photo was submitted to several places all over the world, with different results of acceptance and rejection to the Google Map.

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