Denisovan (2013)

"Denisovan" is a digital artist's book for Android, iPad and iPhone devices.

Full Description

"Denisovan" is a digital artist's book for Android, iPad and iPhone devices.

This fictional story was inspired by the genomic mapping of a contemporary of early humans and Neanderthal, the Denisovan hominin. A tooth and finger bone from a single individual were found in a cave in Siberia, and paleogeneticists were able to determine that they had discovered a whole new hominid.

The story of human evolution is many things, but one part of that is the nurturing of children by mothers and fathers, generation after generation. We know that the denisovan girl had brown hair and eyes, but we can only speculate about her relationship to her family members, and how parent child relationships may have evolved in the last 40,000 years.

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