Chronotope (2013)

Chronotope explores the synergy and correlation between diverse forms of media and the multi-scale world we live in through the blending of senses allowing the composer to express atypical interpretations of natural phenomena and abstract ideas.

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Chronotope explores the synergy and correlation between diverse forms of media, from the minute motions of human skeletal muscle cells captured on microscopic time-lapse video, to large scale digital areal photographs of the Great Barrier Reef and other typical images of the vast Australian landscape intricately layered into new audiovisual compositions creating astounding abstract universes. Chronotope is a representation of the multi-scale world we live in through the blending of senses allowing the composer to express atypical interpretations of natural phenomena and abstract ideas. Visual music in its modern form has the potential to extend human consciousness and perception. Chronotope is a term that was coined by Russian philosopher and literary critic Mikhail M Bakhtin to refer to how time and space are described and represented in literature. Multimedia and audiovisual art lend themselves well to the term due to the very nature of the art forms concerned. Time and space have increasingly become mutually dependant especially through the use of technology. This work combines electronic music, computer art and abstract digital expressionism.

Special thank you to professional photographer Thomas Joannes, microbiologist Dr Leslie Caron and production assistant Rebecca Cernec for collaborating and supporting this cross-disciplinary journey through sound and images of all scales.

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