Yesterday's Today (2013)

The Supertask is a paradoxical goal that we have set ourselves: creating a model of the whole world.

Full Description

The Supertask is a paradoxical goal that we have set ourselves: creating a model of the whole world. Named after British philosopher James F. Thomson's, it is the term for a quantifiably impossible endeavour. Our work is an artistic exploration of the nature of models, and their role in a contemporary view of the world within both science and society. As part of our ongoing effort, Yesterday's Today focuses on one of the most common examples of modelling: the weather forecast. Complex computational models result in a reductionist slice of reality; a number that represents the world on the scale of degrees Celsius. At LEAP, the visitor experienced any fluctuation between 'yesterday's today' - yesterday's forecast, an artificial alternate present - and today's reality. Constantly monitored, the temperature of the air in the isolation chamber at times diverges from the gallery temperature, embodying the dynamic space between the model and reality.

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