Invisible Hieroglyphics (2013)

We created artwork with the finger smudges left on an iPad screen after using different apps. The premise is to capture society' current trajectory towards interfacing with the world through touch and touchscreens. The convergence of the physical and digital world will inevitably affect the way we create...

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It finds a way to create a collision between art and technology. It also finds a way to have balance between being handmade and digital manipulated. It elevates the art of mobile user experience design. Its a strong balance of smart and simple. It is beautiful in person.

The physical pieces are vibrantly portrayed on satin paper that is placed between a PVC backing and 1/4” acrylic glass. The acrylic glass gives this piece incredible luminosity and optical depth that mimics an actual touchscreen. In addition, the B/W artwork offers a unique, 3D appearance as the white paint is on top of the acrylic.

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2013
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Wednesday May 15th, 2013
  • Original Url:
  • Work Credits:
    • Andre Woolery, Artist
    • Victor Abijaoudi II, Collaborator
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Artist Statement

Art is everywhere.

As the world becomes more digital, we pull further away from an analog, handcrafted world. However, the one remaining human component of the digital experience is touch. Our hands have become the communication conduit through devices with a series of taps, swipes, and pushes. Left behind are the oil-stained remains of finger smudges on a screen. We have extracted these marks and transformed them into vibrant, colorful artwork.

Hieroglyphics is a system of writing that serves as a form of communication. They represent an imprint of the world as it was told in the past for the future to decipher and understand. These writings are a window into another world. Today, the touchscreen interface is our window into another world and the writings are smudged onto the screen instead of carved into stone. Its subtle, but if you strip away the hardware and software, what’s left is a finger painting that illustrates the story of how we communicate.

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